You are currently viewing Introduction to Pre-Algebra – Part 1

Introduction to Pre-Algebra – Part 1

Class Time: 40 minutes per class

Duration: Meet once per week over 10 weeks

Age Group: 11-14 year olds

Class Size: 4-6 learners per class

Cost: $150

In this course students will be introduced to several pre-algebra concepts which will be outlined in the lesson descriptions below. This class is an introductory course to provide exposure but not mastery of the skills. Our class is conducted via discussion, modeling, and practice. Students will be asked to take notes. Students have to have a solid understanding of basic math (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions). Homework will be in the form of a worksheet and/or online skill practice. Learner progress is evaluated through class participation. Additional web resources for extra practice are posted in the classroom with the welcome message.

I am also offering one on one tutoring  if needed. Sometimes students just need a little one on one reinforcement:) 

Course Breakdown:

Lesson 1: Adding Positive and Negative Integers

Students will learn the rules for adding positive and negative integers.

Lesson 2: Subtracting Positive and Negative Integers

Students will learn the rules for subtracting positive and negative integers

Lesson 3: Multiplying and Dividing Integers

Students will learn the rules for multiplying and dividing integers

Lesson 4 and 5: Exponent and Order of Operations

Students will work with exponents in addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication and learn about order of operations.

Lesson 6: Simplifying Expressions

Students will learn to simplify expressions using order of operations.

Lesson 7 and 8: Solving Equations

Students will learn solve single and multi step equations.

Lesson 9 and 10: Binomials and Trinomials

Students will learn about multiplication of binomials and factoring of trinomials.

FALL SCHEDULE (click the link below to register):

9/11 – 11/13 11:00 am -11:40 am CST – REGISTRATION CLOSED

If you need a different time, email me:)