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Introduction to Algebra – Part 2

Class Time: 45 minutes per class

Duration: Once per week over 10 weeks

Ages: 11-14 year olds

Class Size: 4-8 learners per class

Cost: $150 plus $5 admin fee

This class  part 2 of Introduction to Algebra Part 1 and will continue to explore Algebra concepts commonly learned in middle and high school. Students do not have to take the first part with me but should have an understanding of the concepts covered in that class as well as have an understanding of pre-algebra concepts. Please view the class listing for more information on what was covered in part 1.

This class will be taught through discussion, modeling, guided and independent practice. Homework will be assigned in the  from of pdfs or Khan Academy practice by request. Progress is evaluated through class participation and submitted homework. Additional practice can be found by going to the websites listed on the resource pdf.

Content that will be covered in this course:

Lesson 1-3: Factoring

(factoring polynomials , factoring polynomials with special cases, and solving equations by factoring)

Lesson 4-6: Rational Expressions, Ratios, and Proportions

(Dividing polynomials, operations of rational expressions, ratios and proportions)

Lesson 7-10: Graphing  and Review

(Graphing linear equations and  inequalities)

* pacing depends on class