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Introduction to Consumer Math- Financial Literacy

Class Time: 45 minutes per class

Duration: Meet once per week over 10 weeks

Age Group: 11-14 year olds

Class Size: 4-6 learners per class

Cost: $150

This class will cover various aspects of consumer math also known as financial literacy. It is designed to give students much needed information about consumer math topics/concepts they will encounter once they get a job and move out on their own. It is never too soon to learn this so that students enter the real world with some background knowledge to help them make informed financial decisions.  Our class will consist of discussion, guided practice, and independent practice. The discussion will focus on real world applications. Students will get homework weekly to practice/apply what they learned in class. Homework will be submitted to the teacher for feedback. To be successful in this class, students will need to know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and they should be familiar with calculating percentages. IF it has been a while since your student has worked with these concepts, I would highly recommend that they review these concepts before the start of class.

Our weekly class meetings will be held via Zoom. Parents will receive weekly emails with pdf handouts needed for that week. Parents will also utilize email to send me their child’s work so that I can give feedback.

I strive to keep our class sizes small so we will have between 4-6 learners in class. This is a good number for student interaction:)

Course Breakdown:

Lesson1: Understanding Bank and Savings Accounts

Lesson 2: Balancing a Checkbook and Writing Checks

Lesson 3: Understanding Wages and Salaries

Lesson 4: Understanding Taxes

Lesson 5: Understanding Insurance

Lesson 6: Understanding Budgeting and Identifying Wants and Needs

Lesson 7:  Understanding and Calculating Interest (calculator required)

 Lesson 8: Understanding Credit Cards

Lesson 9: Understanding Credit Scores and Credit Reports

Lesson 10: Understanding Loans

FALL SCHEDULE (click the link below to register):

9/12- 11/14 12:45 am -1:25 pm CST

Click here to register:

If you need a different time, email me:)